Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 30 *A Tour to WuQiao*

It was 7.30am and we were gathering at the hotel lobby before we set off to Wu Qiao. This is the tour that planned by the teachers to let us enjoy ourselves before the final presentation. As the saying goes, “上至九十九,下至刚会走,吴桥耍杂技,人人有一手”. That is why吴桥is called “世界杂技艺术的摇篮”.You will never believe how good the performance inside was until you see it with your real eyes. We reached Wuqiao at around 10am, and we walked straight to watch the first performance, called “Gui shou”. Looked at the old uncle, you will never believe that he is the one who wants to perform to us. His motions looked so slow, like he did everything in a very relax mode. Before the performance started, he repeated the same things for 3 times. He keeps advising to the teenagers, do not GAMBLE. I felt that he is very cute, he said that he never study before, he said that he is not a 文明人, but he knows what is the disadvantages of gambling. When the performance has started, he doesn’t allow others to interrupt his performance, including small kids. I was impressed by his action, it was so fast! He is a very interesting person. From the performance just now, not only I can enjoy the show, but I also learnt his advice – do not join gamble.

(The entrance)

(The 鬼手 performance)

After the Gui Shou performance, we went to the next one. We watched the performance so called “新江湖八大怪”. I saw the performance right in front of my eyes. Those performances are the one we can only see it on TV, but now, right in front of me! What I can say is… “WOW!” Even though the performance is a bit disgusting and most of the people don’t really dare to look at it, but I still felt that they are awesome! I was thinking when they were having training or when they were learning the skills, how much pain they need to take it? What I’ve learnt from them was to do everything that we were asked to do, even though it is pain and suffering!
We went to enjoy another next performance, and followed by the 滑稽动物园 (funny zoo). The first animal to performance was a dog. It was a clever dog that could do math’s question and can differentiate different Chinese word. BUT, what I can see from the dog was FEAR. It looked so fear; it scared to get the wrong answer card. I think… most of us saw that, right? The next animal was a tiger! The tiger came out from a small case, started to perform right in front of us! (: It acted as a kid, played with the trainer. It was CUTE! (: I could remember the last performance that we watched. I could not use any simple words to describe the feeling and their performance, because the performance was fantastic and it was the best performance that I ever watched in my life!

(Entrance of the zoo)

(Picture of tiger is performing)
The most surprising incident was during the lunch time. When me and my friends went to the toilets to wash our hands, we saw this little girl washing her own clothes at the basin. The weather is still cold and the little girl washed her clothes with cold water, I felt heart pain when I saw that. After that my friend went to ask how old she is, she told us she is 5 years old. A 5 year’s old little girl was washing her own clothes at the basin outside the toilet at such a cold weather and there was nobody beside her. I felt that the China people are more independent than us. We should feel that we are actually very fortunate to have our parents or maid to help us when we were at this age. I believe that most of us would not wash our own clothes at 5 years old, right? I really respect the little girl and I told myself that I really have to be more independent!
The trip to 吴桥, really made us 增广见闻, 获益良多 (:

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